• (617) 401-7810

  • 135 Massachusetts Ave., Providence, RI 02905

Cunning Folk Technology: Empowering Small to Mid-sized Businesses with Technical Consulting Services

Cunning Folk Technology, a subsidiary of Cunning Folk Media, is revolutionizing niche publishing and marketing through the application of advanced machine learning practices, cutting-edge generative artificial intelligence, and autonomous AI agents. With a strong focus on technology, Cunning Folk Technology aims to provide exceptional general technical consulting services and value propositions to small- to mid-sized businesses.At Cunning Folk Technology, our mission is to support the diverse business needs of our clients and help them achieve their most ambitious goals. With a wealth of technical project experience and a wide range of industries serviced, we are well-equipped to cater to the requirements of both large enterprises and single-person startups. Our commitment to delivering exceptional results sets us apart, and we consistently go above and beyond for our clients.We take pride in cultivating a diverse clientele and uphold stringent standards when vetting potential customers. While we serve businesses of all sizes, our hearts lie with the rebels: startups and solopreneurs. We understand the unique challenges they face and are passionate about empowering them with the technical solutions they need to thrive.Our team of experts is well-versed in the latest technological advancements and stays ahead of industry trends. We offer a comprehensive range of services, including but not limited to:1. Technical Consultation: Our experienced consultants work closely with clients to understand their specific needs and provide tailored solutions. We offer guidance on technology implementation, system architecture, and strategic planning to optimize business processes and drive growth.2. Software Development: From custom software solutions to web and mobile application development, our team has the expertise to bring your ideas to life. We leverage the latest programming languages and frameworks to create scalable and user-friendly software that meets your unique requirements.3. Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence: Harnessing the power of data is crucial for businesses in today’s digital landscape. Our data analysts and AI specialists help clients make sense of complex data sets, uncover valuable insights, and develop AI-driven solutions to enhance decision-making and automate processes.4. Cybersecurity: Protecting sensitive data and ensuring the security of digital assets is of paramount importance. Our cybersecurity experts conduct thorough assessments, implement robust security measures, and provide ongoing monitoring to safeguard against potential threats.5. Cloud Services: We assist clients in migrating their infrastructure to the cloud, leveraging the scalability and cost-efficiency offered by platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. Our cloud experts handle the entire process, from planning and implementation to ongoing management and support.At Cunning Folk Technology, we believe that every business, regardless of size, deserves access to top-notch technical consulting services. Our commitment to excellence, combined with our passion for empowering startups and solopreneurs, sets us apart in the industry. Trust us to be your partner in achieving your business goals and staying ahead in the ever-evolving technological landscape.Contact us today to learn more about how Cunning Folk Technology can help your business thrive.